JUST crazy for dolls

J ust cray for dolls!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

DAY 54 and 55

On day 54 I met someone in Orlando off of Craigslist to pick up 15 dolls and some accessories.  I was so excited.  The dolls were in good condition and I don't have to clean and scrub them like I have done before.  I only have one with a red dot on the side of it's head and that is an easy fix.  Meantime back at the ranch it is clearly time to start giving some away.  I just need to make those connections.  I also need to get the cards done and printed.  I want that done by Spring break so I can hand some out by then.  However we are up to our ears over here with dolls and now I need to begin to arrange some shelving to assist me in organizing what I have. 

Day 55, I am cleaning clothes and looking over what booty I managed to collect yesterday.  The most interesting doll was a Goldberger Doll.  This doll comes with a liftime guaruntee and a website to get all the information.  I am interested to see if this works.  So today's pick is a goldberger air baby.  Check out www.goldbergerdoll.com

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