JUST crazy for dolls

J ust cray for dolls!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

DAY 88

Recently a great aunt died.  I am haunted by the lack of time I had to spend with her and I remember her fondly as she was the one who helped me recover after gallbladder surgery.  Sleeping lightly in a chair in the next room over and waiting on me in her cool but diligent bed side manner.  While I struggled to recover from the ill effects of anesthesia she helped me up when visitors came with cards and flowers.  She helped me through a nasty divorce reminding me every so often that I was going to make it and I knew she understood exactly what I had been through if not more.  She gave me a niche in the local cemetery when my daughter died unexpectedly, turning all rights to the prepaid burial site over to me so that I would not suffer financial grief after a terrible loss.  She was there for me.  And I, maybe too caught up in my own survival, rarely was there for her.
 Alas I am a quick learner in life.  What I have learned from all this is to fight everyday to keep out the idle things that can consume you.  Do not give way to an ego that subscribes to mass emails to feel important but essentially take up far too much time to delete.  Clean up you inbox (your yahoo or juno or gmail) and your life inbox.  Accept nothing that is a time waster.  Begin with the end of the day in mind and focus on what you want your life to  consist of.  Make sure you have time for those who make time for you even if they need you very little. Be there to say hello.  Smile, laugh and play because all too soon it will be over.

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