JUST crazy for dolls

J ust cray for dolls!

Friday, April 22, 2011

DAY 103

Today I had an idea to go to Kmart. After searching ebay and becoming increasingly puzzled as to why AA dolls were priced so high I remembered seeing the Berenguer dolls there with hard bodies...? That thought alone had prevented me from paying $20 a doll from EBay.  The next logical step was to investigate and confirm if my thoughts were true i.e. "Why in the world would I buy a doll of that price!"  While I was there much to my squealing delight I found this.....Which normally goes for $16.50 to $21.50 on the mighty "E."  However I found two for $9.00 each and I was ever so elated.  Bye bye tax money hello doll world. 
     Oh and of course I was right, there is no reason why you should buy an AA doll on the "E" when you can get them for $10, right at Kmart.  The reason why you wouldn't know they were from Kmart or Walmart is because they are not listed on their company web-sight for sale which could sucker someone like me to think they were not readily available despite mass production. 
So here is the one I absolutely love...She is just darling and likely will not be resold. 
Very delightful.
     The lesson here folks is this; buy the doll you love and want but don't waste your money shop around and of course don't settle.  If you happened to receive some money back from the IRS and you paid all your bills than by golly you need to treat yourself to a little something.  Dolls or otherwise!

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