JUST crazy for dolls

J ust cray for dolls!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

DAY 130

     Today I spent a very fast one hour (time does fly when you are having fun) at Lee's Doll Babys.  There I confirmed the plan to bring my doll club on Sat and made sure one of the club members did indeed have a variety of shoes to buy for her American girl doll.  Unfortunately while looking for another doll club member I was unable to spot any for myself and my big fat babies feet.  But, I did see a really cute doll that I just have to have. Prompted by a possible new acquisition I am forced to sell off some others that would serve better at different homes, preferably a home bigger than mine as I seem to be running out of doll space.   Check out item numbers 320701825118 and 320701827239 on Ebay  for the cutest dolls ever

1 comment:

  1. When did this 1 hour of doll time at Lee's happen?
    I heard, I'm working til 445 at school then off to Mima's for dinner.... What if I couldn't find you and you were off playing with your dolls and didn't tell me?

    Just wanna make sure that you're not stuck under a rock somewhere :)
