JUST crazy for dolls

J ust cray for dolls!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

DAYS 186 TO 189

SUNDAY 189 Balance is today's word as I learn that all too quickly I can get depressed if there isn't balance and time for me, not getting lost in my doll stuff for the past four days has left me worse for the ware.  I am learning that it vitally important for me to do idle things for my own sanity and when most people need to be with people I need to be alone.  Alone in my own little world I am focused and discuss my game plan with me and get the courage from within to go forward, move on or give myself a pep talk to let go of the negative vibration that has attached to me.  I like being alone and having time to myself and can not survive without it.  It is funny because I love my family and need them but I need my time too, thus the balance.  And I noticed as soon as I am down hear-ted it is simply because there is no balance within. 

 SATURDAY 188 Listing a doll on The big E.  One that I know will sell, lucky for me I found it super cheap and selling it, so far for 10.99 with one more day to go.  I am excited because this is money that will go back into MY MUĂ‘ECA PROJECT.   It will help me buy cleaning supplies and Ziploc bags to keep organized.  Check her out...http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320725201837&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT

FRIDAY 187 A real life doll from my home town with the voice of an Angel.....http://www.jenniferreal.com/, check her out on Facebook as well.   http://www.tasteforwine.net/

 My Mom's birthday celebration.  She did not get dolls this time but a great steak dinner and awesome stuffed animals from her loving grandson. 

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