JUST crazy for dolls

J ust cray for dolls!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 63

I should of taken before and after pictures.  Have you ever thought that but only after it is too late?  Well I did just that.  I opened up a new box of toys for me.  Guess what they were?  Yes you guessed it, dolls!  They were all Berenguer and low and behold one looked as though he had a black eye, which is fine I pegged him for a boy anyway but when I cleaned around his neck area ( you know the parts you may forget on a baby until you hold the neck fold just right and find surprises in there) and that is where I found black and I knew immediately it was mold.  So I popped his head off and sure enough there it was.  So after cleaning that all up.  I found a number on the base of the neck I thought it may have some indication on when the doll was made instead of a bunch of random numbers.  So I popped all my Berenguers' heads off and there they were, numbers that looked like years!  I finally felt like I was unlocking some Berenguer mystery.  If there is information on them please send me some as I can't seem to find it and am left to my own imaginations which can be a scary thought if you think about it.  Just saying.  So wait till I show you some pics. 

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